In a broad sense, environmental protection refers to safeguarding trees and other natural features, but it also covers protecting plants, animals, birds, and the entire planet. In actuality, there is a special connection between the environment and life. The preservation of the environment is essential to human life and future development.

Climate change and environmental deterioration now touch all of humanity. To solve this issue, everyone on Earth must come together. However, in order for poor countries—whose survival is largely dependent on the environment—to address environmental issues, rich nations must lend a hand.


In light of the fact that man depends on nature for his survival, environmental conservation is crucial. You may take a lot of simple steps to lessen the negative effects on the environment. For instance, make it a rule to turn off electrical gadgets whenever you leave the room. Turn off all electric appliances if there is no work to be done. Here are some other eco-friendly actions:

Some environment protection measures

Protecting the environment starts with the family

In the truest sense, the family is the first environment-learning school. Through several examples, family members can teach youngsters the proper lessons on environmental protection. Each family member, especially the kids, can be given care for each plant in the house. Share particular information on trees and plants, and let them know their names. It is best to raise animals in the home so that kids can bond with them. Additionally, they ought to be assigned assignments like "herbarium files." They must escape themselves from the confinement of rooms and video games.

Adopt a life of simplicity

Children once had close relationships with animals like butterflies, birds, and plants. A tree was frequently connected to the recognition of houses. Fruits were also thought to be related to the weather. But in modern times, terms like "seasonal fruits" are obsolete. The stone walls of civilization have absorbed truth, honesty, and the frugality of existence, in addition to dividing. Talk of "use and toss" has shifted from inanimate objects to our way of life. The easy life appears to have vanished someplace. Every problem has 10 solutions nowadays. How difficult we have made life! To lessen our carbon impact, we should adopt a simple lifestyle. Make it a rule to leave the room anytime you enter it to start with.

Protect the forest canopy

The expansion of industry is typically regarded as the cornerstone of progress. Food production places a lot of emphasis on agriculture and irrigation, but not enough emphasis is placed on appreciating the value of forest wealth. Just the area that can be harvested for farming is said to be surrounded by forests. In general, there is apathy about the need to plant new trees. Agriculture has also been utilized to harvest wood and timber; trees have been cut carelessly. Because of this, we are currently poor in terms of forest riches and are dealing with many of its severe environmental effects.

Man has several direct and indirect advantages if the planet is kept green through tree planting. There are various advantages, from providing wood and fuel to producing fruit, flowers, medications, air conditioning, regulating rainfall, organic fertilizers, preventing earth erosion, preventing floods, and housing birds who eat insects to protect crops. According to Scottish botanist Robert Chambers, the destruction of the forest will result in a lack of water, a decline in the fertility of the land and the output of crops, the death of animals, and the extinction of birds. Flood, drought, heat, famine, and diseases are the five awful fierceness that the curse of the forest-annihilation will produce. By accident destroying the forest's wealth, we actually lose more than we gain from it.

Continue to plant trees

The largest source of oxygen is from trees. Plants release the most crucial oxygen during the photosynthesis process. In this way, trees serve as the foundation for human life. In addition to this, the animals also eat flora. We are nourished by the flora.

Trees should be grown, not taken down. Plants must become the required gift on certain occasions. If everyone planted a tree, the environment would change for the better. There will be more trees and better air, and there will be less pollution, global warming, and the greenhouse effect.

In actuality, plants and trees are crucial to human existence. They are the foundation of human existence, but because man does not recognize their importance or how to use them, he is abandoning them now. We continually take use of them in order to gain additional benefits from them. Although we should be planting as many trees as we are removing, this is not happening, and the number of trees is steadily declining. As a result, humanity has had to deal with a variety of issues.

Tulsi, banyan, pedal, amla, and other plants have been regarded as divine beings in the scriptures. Because they provide us life energy, trees sustain us as members of the human family. They are a lot more beneficial to us. So, we ought to make an effort to plant more trees. 

Don't eat boxed food

Reduce your use of packaged goods because they account for one-third of industrial trash. So, before purchasing a product, consider the package. Fresh fruits and vegetables are healthier and generate less rubbish than individually packaged candies.

Skip the red meat

Fish and poultry have significantly less of an environmental impact than beef and pork, while other protein sources like nuts and organic soy are less damaging to the environment.

Eat organically

Today's veggies are grown with the aid of pesticides and herbicides. Vegetables grown without the use of pesticides and chemicals can improve soil fertility, which is good for the environment as well as human health.

Forests and wildlife need to be protected

Don't purchase anything produced with animal skins. Pets imported from the forest should not be purchased. When you decide not to retain a pet, release it. Make sure you are prepared to care for a pet before purchasing one. Taking care of a pet is a serious duty.

Never purchase wood items from another nation unless you are certain the providers are eco-friendly. The presence of a "Authentication Label" on a piece of wood can help determine if it is environmentally friendly or not. A good example of an authentication label is "FSC-certified," which indicates that the product complies with the Forest Stewardship Council's globally recognized certification programmed (FSC).


The world is currently facing a very serious problem with air pollution. There is a severe lack of clean air. People's ability to breathe depends on the presence of clean air in the atmosphere. Without it, the amount of other poisonous gases grows, which is disastrous for all living things. It is improbable that someone who breathes in contaminated air will live a long and healthy life. According to research scientists, the amount of healthy air in the earth's atmosphere is declining while the amount of dangerous substances is rising. The amount of polluted gases in the atmosphere will increase to the point that life on earth will become challenging if the rate of destruction of the tree wealth continues at this rate. Green enrichment is the sole option for dealing with this challenging issue. 

Ancient saints and hermits would tend to and raise trees close to their ashram. They had a keen understanding of environmental preservation. They placed the utmost focus on growing trees because they believed that greenery was essential to existence.

Unfortunately, some people think that the only entities that should take action to safeguard the environment are the government and large corporations in general. This is not at all true. In fact, every person can contribute towards protecting the environment from pollution, residues, emissions, all kinds of wastes and increasing population. Everyone should be entrusted with the responsibility and authority to take care of environment.